112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency


Project duration: 2013-2015

Financed by European Union

Implementing Partners: Innovations and Reforms Center (IRC), Danish Refugee Council

Project budget: 2039.35 EUR

The main goal:

  • To enhance the role of the Georgian non-governmental sector and increase their involvement in implementation of activities directly linked to European Neighborhood Policy (ENP) and promotes fulfillment of its objectives. Namely, the proposed action envisages to ensure the involvement of civil society in the process of formation of immigration and visa policy and policy building methodology

The main objectives:

  • Study on immigration of foreigners in Georgia
  • Formation of immigration and visa policy and policy building methodology, in partnership with civil society

The main activities:

  • Conduct Study on immigration of foreigners in Georgia-solid academic research that will analyze the structure and the social-economic characteristics of the immigration in Georgia using the modern statistical-economic and social tools;
  • Development of recommendations on immigration and visa policy- the recommendations will address to the State Commission on Migration Issues and accordingly, the Government of Georgia outlining the weaknesses of existing immigration and visa policy and its management and proposing the decisions/ways of its improvement
  • Development of policy building methodology- share the international experience; Analyze the information systems/data;
  • Public awareness campaign- Organize and conduct informative meetings; develop and broadcast of TV and radio program