112Unified Emergency Number

126General Inspection

2 41 42 42Unified Service Center of Patrol Police

12 72
2 41 91 91Service Agency

Military Service and Vacancies

Military contractual service - citizens of the age of 18-27 are allowed to undergo the military mandatory/contractual service at the Security Police. Citizens with military registration are recruited for 1 year period. Besides the persons due to call-up the mandatory military service may be undergone by the students, the only sons in the family, married males under 27. According to the legislation on mandatory military service the mentioned category citizens enjoy the certain benefits, though in case if they wish to undergo the military service for their future career they can apply to the Security Police Department of the MoIA.

Contractual Service Conditions:

Period: 12 months;
Schedule: 24 hour regime in every three days (combination of the service with the study is admitted);
Health and life insurance;
Monthly wage: 90 GEL.
