112გადაუდებელი დახმარების ერთიანი ნომერი

126გენერალური ინსპექცია

2 41 42 42საპატრულო პოლიციის ერთიანი მომსახურების ცენტრი

12 72
2 41 91 91მომსახურების სააგენტო

Live Without Drugs (GE)

The action, 'Live without Drugs', initiated by MIA is important which envisages presentations on anti-drug issue in all public schools throughout Georgia. One of the most important goals of the initiative is the build-up of trust with school students, to clearly demonstrate and describe to minors harmful outcome of drugs, how drug addiction is punished by legislation, legal and moral consequences of drug using and etc.
The project encompassed all 10-11th grade students of public schools throughout Georgia. Specifically trained district police officers delivered the lessons on drug abuse and provided presentations named after - 'Live without Drugs'. After presentations, class discussions were held among district inspectors and school children.